The kick-off meeting of the project took place in Berlin between 5-10 of October 2017. Ten representatives from the partner organisations had the chance to get to know each other better, discuss all administrative aspects of the project and establishing important steps in delivering the main outcome: a simulation game about the migration process and situations in the respective countries (Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Romania). Some decisions were taken regarding the communication system that will allow all partners to be fully updated with all tasks, quality management system, financial aspects and promotion of the project by developing a dedicated website.
Various ideas about the game were mentioned and comparisons with other similar initiatives were debated, and so partners agreed that participants to the game should have the chance to be creative and inventive and that the game should give space to their autonomy. The game will not only be informative or provoking discussion, but will also work a lot with emotions to raise the empathy level. During the meeting, the partner representatives also had the opportunity to visit organizations related to migration and refugees’ work in Berlin, such as Moabit Hilft, Kub, Borderline Europe and Bantaaba restaurant.