Information and networking meeting for the German version of Minosia-Labyrinth

When: Friday, November 1, 2019, 16:00 to 19:00, Where: Tagungswerk im KuBiZ, Bernkasteler Str. 78, 13088 Berlin (Tram M4 Buschallee)

We are happy to invite you to the first local networking meeting in Berlin. Through the networking meetings, we want to give future tutors and other interested persons the opportunity to participate actively in the development of the national version of the game in the coming weeks and to contribute with their own ideas. This meeting and the following meetings will serve to build up a network of experts who can guide the game in the future in Germany and beyond for interested target groups. From 2020 there will be further training courses for interested trainers on how to guide the game. In perspective, we want to form a pool in which tutors can exchange experience, find teams to guide the method and further develop it. Multipliers in political and social education work are very welcome at the meeting.