New name for the game and logo

After months of negotiation and discussion we have finally decided on a name of the game! As our project name “In the Footsteps of a Migrant” was according to some players in our Try Out activity a bit “misleading” because the game shows more realities than those of migrants alone (e.g. policy implementers, lawyers, journalists and other actors in the migration field), we have opted for a new name for the game. As the country that is represented in the European version of the game is called Minosia, after the Greek myth of the minotaur on the island Minos, and the game resembles a labyrinth of bureaucratic pathways, procedures, roads and corridors, we have chosen for the name MINOSIA LABYRINTH.

Our designer Hend Charaf has worked on a fitting logo, including all the wishes and sometimes contradicting input from the team. The logo will be used on all documents and official communication regarding the game.