Are you interested about migration and want to learn and reflect on its place in your history and present?
Would you like to take part in a non-formal educational methodology to experience a simulation of the social and bureaucratic processes of migration?
Do you want to acquire new tools to fight against prejudices and stereotypes that exist all over Europe?
Join our trip to Minosia Labyrinth!
An experience in EduLarping on Migration and Inclusion
Minosia Labyrinth is an interactive role play- and simulation game on the topic of migration. It aims to raise awareness on the complexities of the migration process and the difficulties migrants and refugees face in Europe. The game creates empathy and enhances understanding for the people affected by migration. It offers a multidimensional approach to reflect on privileges, prejudices and stereotypes.
We invite you to experience this interactive learning approach and discuss issues related to inclusion, anti-discrimination, our colonial heritage… and of course, touring Berlin from a perspective of migrant and critical resistance. We provide you an insight view on the the methods we use and the techniques behind and we connect you to the network of facilitators for the Minosia approach.
It will be a 5 days immersion in Berlin, with a mixed group of people from different countries from Europe. The training is mainly aimed at multipliers and trainers in youth work and work with young adults.
You can check more about Minosia Labyrinth at:
When? From October 3 to 7 , 2022 (Travelling days 2nd and 8th)
Where? In Berlin, Germany
Requirements: Sufficient English language skills in written and oral. The facilities and the LARP game are not designed barrier-free.
If you have any questions, please contact us! We will be happy to clarify your questions.
This project is organized by “solar e.V.” together with the partners of “New women Connectors” from the Netherlands, “Passion Udflugt” from Denmark and “Macuco” from Austria. All organizations linked to promote participation, diverse learning and empowerment in various areas.
Participation in this project is free of cost. Costs for travelling, accommodation and food will be covered by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.